Sparring (Kyoroogi)

Match Rules

  • Best of 3 rounds system. Tiebreakers are given to the superior fighter of that round.

  • No Gam-jeom for falling down IF a contestant has SCORED a turning kick

  • Gam-jeom for kicking more than 2 times with the same leg in the air

  • No more than 5 Gamjeongs are allowed per round. If exceeded, the competitor will automatically forfeit that round to their opponent.

  • If players do not engage after 3 seconds, referee gives the "fight" signal and both competitors will receive Gam-jeom for avoiding.

  • Gamjeong for sidestepping/moving back 3 times.

  • Point gap is 12 points.

  • Pushing is permitted as a quick impact. Prolonged and continuous pushes are not allowed.

  • *GRASSROOTS: Excessive force on a head kick is prohibited. Referees will give 2-3 warnings before disqualification. If the competition medic waives a competitor due to injury, the attacker will be disqualified. No disqualifications can be made if an athlete quits via body kicks or valid attack.

  • Color Belts - 11 and younger: No Head kicks allowed

  • Color Belts - 12+: Light head contact allowed (Junior Safety rules)

  • Black Belt Grassroots / Seniors 18+: Light head contact allowed (Junior Safety rules)


Coaches are expected to be respectful to the referees, their athletes, the opposing coach and other Masters. Coaches are required to set a good example; therefore, composure must be held at all times. To prevent a prolonged match, please use challenge cards accordingly.

Coaches may challenge for the following reasons only:

  • Hardware check

  • Stepping out of bounds

  • Headshots not scored to the open face area or helmet (Daedo Only)

  • Punches not being scored

  • Illegal kick

Important: If an athlete is on deck, Coaches are responsible to make sure their student’s gear is on and ready for the next match. Only Instructors and Masters may coach.

Points System

Sparring Rounds and Match Times

  • Color Belts- 11 and younger: Best of 3 rounds, 1 minute rounds / 30 second breaks

  • Color Belts- 12+: Best of 3 rounds, 1 minute rounds / 30 second breaks

  • Black Belt (Grassroots): Best of 3 rounds, 1 minute rounds / 30 second breaks

  • Seniors 18+: Best of 3 rounds, 1 minute rounds / 30 second breaks

  • World Class Cadets (12 - 14): Best of 3 rounds, 90 second rounds / 30 second breaks

  • World Class Juniors (15 - 17): Best of 3 rounds, 90 second rounds / 30 second breaks

  • World Class Seniors (18 - 32): Best of 3 rounds, 90 second rounds / 30 second breaks

Weight Divisions